Roberta Piazza
PhD in
Education, is an associate professor in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
at the University of Catania, coordinator of University Postgraduate course in
Expert in Job Placement Services, founded by European Social Founds (two
editions) and key staff member of University J. Monnet Programme (2009-2017). Her
main research interests are focused on widening participation to education,
lifelong guidance, informal and non formal learning, community engagement. Her
most recent work has been directed towards the field of learning cities and the
role of the University in spreading the lifelong learning culture and
supporting community engagement. She has participated in several national and
EU-funded projects on learning city, lifelong learning, lifelong guidance and
recognition of learning (INDICATORS, 2004-2006; LILARA 2005-2007; PENR3L
2006-2008; EUROGUIDANCE 2008-2010; NICE2, 2012-2014 , QFP, 2015-2018. Associate
Director of PASCAL Observatory in Europe ( (2014-),
member of the Advisory Council Board (2013-), she is also member of the
Research Network 4 "National Strategies for Lifelong Learning" of the
ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub) (